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Almost a year has passed since the revolution that deposed the Lord Ruler. Elend Venture has transformed the ancient empire's capital city into a democratic kingdom over which he presides. Elend's own father, [[Straff Venture]] has brought an army from the north to take control of the city, but the arrival of another army led out of the west by [[Ashweather Cett]] — tricked into coming by [[Breeze]] forces the city into an extended seige. Elend and the crew decide to play a dangerous game, trying to incite the two armies to attack one another by convincing each that Luthadel will ally with them in the battle. The later arrival of a third, even more dangerous army of [[koloss]] led by Elend's once-friend [[Jastes Lekal]] strains the tensions in the city even farther. In addition to this, Vin and Elend find that a kandra—most likely sent by one of the armies—has killed and replaced someone within the walls, though they have no idea who it might be.
Within the city, Elend's new Assembly is quickly getting out of hand as political factions among the nobility, merchants, and working skaa members each vie for their own solutions to the problems of the armies, in most cases, a call for surrender to Straff or Cett and a wish for things to go back to the way they were before [[the [[Collapse]]. Elend's lack of training in leadership allows the Assembly members to dismiss him, and his preoccupation with other issues forces his attention away from keeping them in line. Under the tutelage of a [[Terris|Terriswoman]] [[Keeper]] named [[Tindwyl]], Elend starts to become the king his people need. However, not quite quickly enough, for the Assembly deposes him and chooses [[Ferson Penrod]] as king instead.
Meanwhile, Vin struggles with trying to protect Elend from the growing threats against him and his kingdom, while facing personal issues of doubt and insecurity over who she is. The contract of [[OreSeur]] has passed to her with Kelsier's death, and while she dislikes the [[kandra]] greatly and has him wear the body of a wolfhound instead of a human, they grudgingly learn to work together. In her nights out in the mists, she begins encountering someone whom she names "The Watcher." She later learns that he is [[Zane]], Elend's half-brother by one of Straff's mistresses and a mistborn of great skill. She does not trust him or his intentions, but she is intrigued by the possibility he offers: a relationship with someone who could understand who she is in a way Elend cannot.