Difference between revisions of "The Bands of Mourning"

;Part 1
Six months after the death of [[Paalm]], Wax and [[Steris]] go to their wedding. ItWayne ishires interruptedsome men to interrupt it by making a nearby water tower falling on the church, allowing Wax to put off the marriage. He is still struggling with killing Lessie.
When Wax goes home, he finds [[MeLaan]] and another [[kandra]], [[VenDell]], asking [[Marasi]] for help. Another kandra named [[ReLuur]] was seeking the [[Bands of Mourning]] and came back wounded and missing a spike. They discuss various possibilities with combining [[Feruchemy]] and [[Hemalurgy]]. Wax agrees to help recover the spike because his sister has been kidnapped.
Meanwhile, Marasi and MeLaan have found the potential resting place of the spike, and they sneak into the room. While MeLaan picks the lock on a safe, Marasi discovers a [[Allik Neverfar|man]] with a mask on locked up in a cage. She insists that he come with them. They retrieve the spike from the safe and hear gunshots.
After a long, hopeless gunfight in which Marasi is injured, the two parties eventually meet up inside the ship. The masked man (Allik) leads them up through a door to a smaller boat. Wax Pushes the boat into the air, and Allik steers them away. They fly towards the "[[Sovereign's temple]]" to get there before Suit does.
Arriving at the temple, they know from ReLuur's drawings that this was where he was seeking the Bands of Mourning. They travel down a hallway riddled with lethal traps, which MeLaan triggers and survives. They arrive at a door that they can't open and go back to the entrance where Edwarn is waiting. They strike a deal, and they make it into a room with a dais and broken glass -- but no bands.