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Vin sneaks into Fadrex City. She scouts the city then visits an informant that Cett recommended named [[Slowswift]], who is a longtime associate of his. Slowswift says that Yomen is ruling well, providing stability and familiarity. Slowswift also mentions that a ball is being held that evening despite the pending siege, and says that he won't provide information to help the invasion of the city at the cost of his soul. Vin counters that the stability won't last due to the increasing ash and killer mists. Slowswift relents at this and speaks of Yomen's weaknesses and Vin departs after paying the informant.
Vin then goes to seek a second informant, a [[Hoid|beggar known to hum to himself]], but when Vin finds him, she feels uncomfortable and decides to not meet him. She scouts Yomen's palace, for former Canton of Resources building, and sees that is where the evening's ball is being held. She senses allomantic pulses indicating a possible mistborn but they vanish suddenly when she tries to locate their source. Vin returns to the army.