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Sharezan kills [[Rennold Pharl]], an agent of his, to prevent him from going to the authorities. Afterwards, as Tain, he returns to "investigate" the death and he plants a note of warning which he then brings to Ais.{{book ref|ws3|1}}. [[Lord Merchant]] [[Raagent]] arranges a meeting with Ais hoping to get out of Sharezan's grasp, but Sharezan hears of the meeting and makes a trap. He plants a firebomb in the abandoned building where the meeting was to have taken place, Ais notices something is wrong when she hears someone limping away, and she and Kenton escape unharmed.{{book ref|ws3|2}}
Presumably as revenge for his attempted betrayal, Sharezan personally executes Raagent in a brutal fashion. He sneaks into Raagent's sleeping chambers in the [[Tower (Taldain)|Tower]], uses Raagent's [[shalrimShalRim]] bed sheets to tie him up, and then brings him down into the Tower's wine cellar where his cries for help won't be heard. Sharezan propped Raagent up against a wall and lit candles to provide some light in the darkness of the cellar. He then dosed him with [[kamo]], an emotional stimulant, and cut off his eyelids. Since, like all Daysiders, Raagent was afraid of the dark, the kamo, combined with the growing darkness from the candles burning out, caused Raagent's mind to conjure up all sorts of horrors. Since he couldn't close his eyes he was forced to endure these nightmares until he died from the fright.{{book ref|ws3|4}} [[Baon]] theorizes that the murder was done in order to lessen Kenton's chances of winning all of the [[Taishin]]s' votes, since Raagent was one of Kenton's supporters.{{book ref|ws3|5}}
When Ais is on her way out from speaking with [[Heelis]] about [[Raagent]]'s death, Tain intercepts her saying that they found Sharezan. Tain hands her a [[zinkall]] and asks her to join him on the raid. When Ais asks how he figured it out, Tain says that it was Lokmlen's confession that gave it away. When they arrive in the alleged hideout, Tain raises his zinkall to Ais' head and reveals himself to be Sharezan. A shocked Ais admits her surprise at this revelation and admits that she had suspected Nilto. Ais tries to use the zinkall he gave her to kill him but it puffs and fails. Sharezan laughs at the fact she trusted him when he gave her the weapon, but if it had been Nilto she wouldn't have trusted the weapon. One of his men knock Ais to the ground and, knowing that Ais has a raging emotional conflict inside her, Sharezan gloats to her about the "'''project'''" he has planned for her.{{book ref|ws3|5}}
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